Changes that can be made in the business development of Nepali society through education

There are many successful development practices around the world. In a country where there are successful policies, rules and development methods, the countries develops by adopting the process then why not adopt those policy rules and methods? Let’s think about the status and potential opportunities of Nepal in the basic diversity of developed and underdeveloped countries as a responsible person for the development of the country.
Education and its reforms
After a person has obtained a degree in any subject, the university should take charge of the person until he / she becomes a professional and the university should coordinate with the concerned employment provider or professional body for his / her experience. In Europe, it is customary to give education loans especially to students. Benjamin Summer, a student at the University of Leeds in the United Kingdom, once came to study the effects of arsenic-laden water in Kunwar, Nawalparasi, Nepal. I went there to help him when he asked me to help him with this study. He used to say, my friends bought a car with a loan but I came to Nepal to do M field with an education loan. He was saying, the state will arrange the loan and the university will look for employment and then I will repay the loan. Is this really something that even a country like Nepal cannot do? Why not coordinate with the University, Ministry of Education and the department, concerned banks, employment providers in Nepal to manage the education loan? Students and university professors work as subject matter experts (thinktank) rather than as political advocates. Doing so also shows the professionalism of education and enhances the prestige of the university. This can attract foreign students to Nepal, which is also the potentiality to earn foreign currency.
Anyone who wants to become a graduate every child should be given a certificate of the same degree after studying the same subject. If any student likes to dance professionals, why not give him a certificate equivalent to other degree (SEE, certificate level, undergraduate, postgraduate) given by the government by enhancing his/her ability in the same subject? If you can make your life a business to entertain others. This is just an example of how such issues can happen.
Professionalism in the profession
People spend 17 or 18 years studying for a master’s degree and go elsewhere instead of pursuing a career in professional choice. As a result, even if the person is professionally weaker than others in terms of individual, it will not have any effect on the process of development. Those who have spent their study time in the same subject should be employed only in the field of the subject. Government employees are not in a position to make decisions on the subject. Educated people have gone to work in the administration after completing public service. People who have studied science have gone through the work of marketing, it needs proper adjustment. The government body overseeing the professionalism of the profession (perhaps the Ministry of Education) should direct consult with the public service. The university should be fully responsible for capacity building. If the citizens of the country are not capable of anything, the state should develop the capacity in technical matters by employing foreign staff. Only by doing so can it proves to be the most successful and the cornerstone for development.
Capacity development
How much do you invest in capacity building to invest in any sector? Only then should we seek rewards. In Nepal, we have the mentality that our children should study or the state should provide education without spending money on parents and we are looking for great achievements. In fact, it is as if the crop would have been better without cultivating well, looking for achievement without investing in education. In fact, it is better for the students to go to a place to protest and help the farmers to cultivate than to go into a political movement. Creative protest can be made in such a way. I have heard that in some countries, when the citizens are protesting, while making shoes in a shoe manufacturing company, they are protesting by making only shoes on one side of the right or left side and making shoes on the other side after fulfilling their demand. When this happens, there is a value in protesting and such protests also make sense in the process of development.
Employee selection practice
The service provided by the public service is not really a proper method of employee selection. The hassle-free practice of staff recruitment in developed countries needs to be looked at. Even if those who have 5 to 10 years of work experience in any field are replaced in the staff system on the basis of their subject knowledge, in fact, the effectiveness of business and work can be increased and only those who do not have full experience are selected as administrators. The development process can be accelerated by appointing government employees not only by passing general knowledge but also by having experience in related fields from other fields. For example, the state has given Nepalis the opportunity to work in the non-governmental and international non-governmental sectors. After the recent political changes, the state can make respectable adjustments for such capable people for development. In fact, the entry of a new generation is a necessary condition for capacity building even within the bureaucracy. There should be coordination between the Ministry of Labor and Employment, the Public Service Commission and the universities. Only skilled administrators are produced and development is possible. In Nepal, there are those who do not get jobs, there are those who do not get workers, the mediation should be completed by the public service, the university. Due to the cumbersome process of appointment of government employees, there are many instances where some people do not apply and various posts become vacant in different places. People who have graduated or post-graduated from science, humanities, and education faculties are employed in government administrative work, people who have studied management and administration related subjects are confused. In this, the Public Service Commission can easily get the best products directly through the respective campus of the concerned university and the problem of staff vacancy can be created in the workplace.
The thought of coming to the citizen
In developed countries, education and capacity are developed according to person’s goals, but in a country like Nepal, person does not know what to become, person does not know what to study. The number of people who are worried about what to study when they are going from school level to higher education level is not only thousands but millions. Can’t the concerned school decide which field the student can go to after 12 or 13 years of study? The school and the teacher who teaches there know and don’t have to give advice from the same level? In that, education should be organized from the local level. And, every school should have a good career counselling unit after the SEE exam. Making our children masters or servants? The parents of the students should also think about this and the students who are qualified for higher education should be able to determine these themselves. Parents, students and teachers need to come up with some kind of vision on whether to become an entrepreneur or go for a job. With the intention of becoming an entrepreneur from the study, it is necessary to read the success stories of the industrialists and successful entrepreneurs, and when they go to work, they have to decide in advance which subject to go to as an expert which also supports the development of the individual, society and nation.
Good efforts made by the state in Education
The construction of engineering and technical schools from the school level now seems to be a sign of good educational change in the technical field.
The responsibility of the state
In the field of education, from childhood onwards, person should study in the field of their choice and be given a certificate of the same level of degree in whatever subject person studies. After obtaining the degree, the school or university should take charge of the person until he / she becomes a professional and the university should coordinate with the concerned employment provider or professional body for his / her experience and for that the Ministry of Education or all concerned should coordinate at school and university level. Universities should be standardized in the country by evaluating the professionalism of the qualitative students produced by the university. The university should not leave the students at street like a prostitute leaves her child. The state should give full responsibility and management authority to the university. In a country like Nepal, most of the students were asked what to do next. No one says, I will become entrepreneur, why? Because, we have not taught them to run industries and to be entrepreneurs. The mentality is to do a job and as a servant. The education policy should determine which universities or campuses support the development of entrepreneurship and knowledge. The role of education related bodies and universities should be high in those areas.
The management of education loans should be coordinated with students, universities, the Ministry of Education and its agencies, banks, employment providers. The university should take responsibility for the student’s education loan because the university knows his behaviour and discipline.
One technical school in each village municipality should be arranged in such a way that many subjects from the technical side can be chosen. Such things should be taken care of by the local government.
There is a great lack of coordination among the government bodies and the establishment of a mechanism to monitor it by the executive body of the country is bound to improve the effectiveness of government work.
In the end
Even after graduation, if someone has to go to work in the Gulf, it doesn’t matter if the university is scrapped. As soon as the Ministry of Education classifies the university on the basis of education and professionalism, even the students can easily find out which university is their destination. In fact, research is necessary to develop the country. The university is capable of conducting research studies. There are students of the same university for manpower. Those who can get employment are the persons who can bring a proposal for the approval of those studies by the parliament at the policy making level of the country and can also highlight the will of the whole country. Developed countries have leaders with competent staff, efficient administrators, skilled study and educational qualifications, and change is possible. Gaining as a subject matter, one of the employees, Kulman Ghising, country could be freed from the plight of load shedding, why would the development of Nepal not be possible if there were skilled administrators with such professional mentality? Therefore, education is a prerequisite for being a professional and party politics in schools is a factor of negative change.
Neupane : Working in the field of education, development and research since 15 years.